Coal mining mud pump bearing

NOVEMBER 02, 2022

Mud Pump is also a popular concept of a wide range of pumps, different areas, habits, and ultimately the pump type will not be the same, the term described in the mud pump is the most sense of a pump : Oil drilling in the field of application of the mud pump. In fact, the sewage pump, slurry pump and some non-clear water pump and mud pump in the name also has a common time. This entry is intended for readers to read the mud pump in the field of drilling.

In the commonly used circular drilling, it is the surface rinse medium ─ ─ water, mud or polymer rinse liquid under a certain pressure, through the high-pressure hose, faucet and drill rod center hole directly to the bottom of the drill to achieve Cooling the drill bit, cutting the cuttings down and conveying them to the surface.
Commonly used mud pump is piston or plunger type, driven by the power machine crankshaft crankshaft crankshaft through the cross head and then drive the piston or plunger in the pump cylinder to do reciprocating motion. In the inhalation and discharge valve under the alternating effect, to achieve the purpose of pressure and circulation rinse solution.

N-2759-B 65-101-958 12GF36 ZB-7081 12BA4
M268730-90096 65-101-954 65-725-080 bearing(original) ZB-6292 12GF36
N-2504-B IB-666/491-35 65-725-080 ZB-32000 12GF38
N-3483-A IB-306/3693B 65-725-020 ZB-28515 12GF20
M270730-902A9 ZB-9005 65-725-957 ZB-26250 12BA6
N-3155-C ZB-8253 65-725-936 ZB-25500 12W84
N-2672-B ZB-7370 65-725-959 ZB-23500 12W85
O-1559-C ZB-7120 65-725-960 ZB-22000 12BA18
E-1927-B ZB-6751 65-725-000 ZT-16125 12BA5
E-1926-B ZB-5620 65-725-010 ZT-15000 12AM3
180RU91 R3 W-4482 bearing(original) IB-1331 ZT-14500 12BA44
E-1788-B W-4482 IB-1330 ZT-13127 12BA19
E-1906-B MUC5136 IB-1334 ZT-11812 12W73
200RU91 R3 X39042 IB-1332 ZT-10003 12BA18
E-1713-B E5238U IB-657 7602-0201-67 IB-1331
C-7424-B MUC5148 IB-675 7602-0201-37 IB-1330
220RU91 R3 ZT-7872 IB-672 7602-0201-38 IB-1334
E-1713-B ZT-8004 IB-670 7602-0201-47 IB-1332
C-7425-B ZT-7006 IB-680 7602-0200-54 IB-657
220RU91 R3 7602-0220-62 IB-676 7602-0200-53 IB-675
O-1357-B 7602-0220-61 IB-671 7602-0213-06 IB-672
G-3020-B 7602-0202-01 IB-677 7602-0212-68 IB-670
G-3075-B 22-030-007 12BA4 7602-0212-69 IB-680
180RU91 R3 IB-666 7602-0211-09 bearing(original) 6319-0078-00 IB-676
G-2791-B IB-429 7602-0211-09 7602-0212-89 IB-671
G-2792-B IB-411 7602-0210-37 6310-0012-00 IB-678
A-5238-WM R6 4600170/649366 7602-0213-05 7602-0213-07 IB-677
E-1713-B 4600169/649472 6301-0038-00 7602-0212-67 12BA4
G-3147-B ZA-6870 6397-0267-00 ZB-6751 12GF36
240RU91 R3 7602-0210-67 7602-0212-90 ZB-9005 12GF38
T1120 7602-0212-98 7602-0212-91 ZB-8253 12GF20
T1011 7602-0210-93/94 65-725-034 ZB-7370 12BA6
T921 7602-0210-95/96 65-725-080 ZB-7120 12W84
T911 65-101-775 65-725-020 ZB-6751 12W85
T911A 65-101-958 65-725-957 ZB-5620 65-725-000
T811 65-101-954 65-725-936 ZB-11028 7602-0201-47
T711 IB-666/491-35 65-725-959 ZB-10236 7602-0201-47
T691 IB-306/3693B 65-725-960 ZB-8662 7602-0200-54
T661 ZB-9005 65-725-000 ZB-7873 7602-0200-53
T511 ZB-8253 65-725-010 ZB-7081 7602-0213-06
T441 ZB-7370 IB-1331 ZB-6292 7602-0212-68
N-3559-A ZB-7120 IB-1330 ZB-32000 7602-0212-69
546633 MUC5144 IB-1334 ZB-28515 6319-0078-00
547591 MUC5144 IB-1332 ZB-26250 7602-0212-89
513052A MUC5144 IB-657 ZB-25500 6310-0012-00
512133A W-4482 IB-675 ZB-23500 7602-0213-07
546631 MUC5136 IB-672 ZB-22000 7602-0212-67
514560 X39042 IB-670 ZT-16125 7602-0212-88
547667 E5238U IB-680 ZT-15000 7602-0211-09
535741A MUC5148 IB-676 ZT-14500 7602-0210-37
546632 ZT-7872 IB-671 ZT-13127 7602-0213-05
547420 ZT-8004 6310-0012-00 bearing(original) ZT-11812 6301-0038-00
548086 ZT-7006 6310-0012-00 ZT-10003 6397-0267-00
10-6487 7602-0220-62 7602-0213-07 7602-0201-67 7602-0212-90
10-6419 7602-0220-61 7602-0212-67 7602-0201-37 7602-0212-91
537433 7602-0202-01 7602-0212-88 7602-0201-38 65-725-034
549350 22-030-007 7602-0211-09 7602-0201-47 65-725-080
10-6418 IB-666 7602-0210-37 7602-0200-54 65-725-020
547099 IB-429 7602-0213-05 7602-0200-53 65-725-957
549351 IB-411 6301-0038-00 7602-0213-06 65-725-936
10-6260 4600170/649366 6397-0267-00 7602-0212-68 65-725-959
547424 4600169/649472 7602-0212-90 7602-0212-69 65-725-960
10-6041 ZA-6870 7602-0212-91 6319-0078-00 65-725-000
544002 7602-0210-67 65-725-034 7602-0212-89 65-725-010
543435 7602-0212-98 65-725-080 6310-0012-00 7602-0201-38
10-6093 AD5148 bearing(original) 65-725-020 7602-0213-07 7602-0201-38
544759 AD5148 65-725-957 7602-0213-06 7602-0201-47
510616A MUC5136 65-725-936 7602-0212-88 7602-0200-54
10-6040 E-5140-UMR 65-725-959 7602-0211-09 7602-0200-53
544979 MUC5144 65-725-960 7602-0210-37 7602-0213-06
546293 MUC5144 65-725-000 7602-0213-05 7602-0212-68
10-6040 W-4482 65-725-010 6301-0038-00 7602-0212-69
544000 MUC5136 IB-1331 6397-0267-00 6319-0078-00
546293 X39042 IB-1330 7602-0212-90 7602-0212-89
10-6209 E5238U IB-1334 7602-0212-91 6310-0012-00
10-6061 MUC5148 IB-1332 65-725-034 7602-0213-07
539187 ZT-7872 IB-657 65-725-080 7602-0212-67
543435 ZT-8004 IB-675 65-725-020 7602-0212-88
10-6062 ZT-7006 IB-672 65-725-957 7602-0211-09
543431 7602-0220-62 IB-670 65-725-936 7602-0210-37
549128 7602-0220-61 IB-680 65-725-959 7602-0213-05
10-6040 7602-0202-01 IB-676 65-725-960 6301-0038-00
543432 22-030-007 IB-671 65-725-000 6397-0267-00
543433 IB-666 IB-677 65-725-010 7602-0212-90
AD4746D IB-429 12BA4 IB-1331 7602-0212-91
ADD42605 IB-411 12GF36 IB-1330 65-725-034
AD4845D 4600170/649366 12GF38 IB-1334 ADA42201
ADD42805 4600169/649472 12GF20 IB-1332 AD5238X
AD4746D ZA-6870 12BA6 IB-657 AD4814D
AD4644D AD4814D bearing(original) 12W84 IB-675 AD5148
AD4730D AD4814D 12W85 IB-672 MUC5136
ADA42207 AD5148 12BA18 IB-670 E-5140-UMR
AD5140 MUC5136 6319-0078-00 bearing(original) IB-680 MUC5144
AD4814D E-5140-UMR 6319-0078-00 IB-676 MUC5144
ADA426334 MUC5144 7602-0212-89 IB-671 W-4482
AD5144 MUC5144 6310-0012-00 IB-678 MUC5136
AD4814D W-4482 7602-0213-07 IB-677 X39042
ADA42603 MUC5136 7602-0212-67 12BA4 E5238U
AD5144 X39042 7602-0212-88 12GF36 MUC5148
AD4812DO E5238U 7602-0211-09 12GF38 ZT-7872
AD4540D MUC5148 7602-0210-37 12GF20 ZT-8004
ADA42002 ZT-7872 7602-0213-05 12BA6 ZT-7006
AD4633D ZT-8004 6301-0038-00 12W84 7602-0220-62
ADA42201 ZT-7006 6397-0267-00 F500 7602-0220-61
AD5238X 7602-0220-62 7602-0212-90 4G32828H 7602-0202-01
AD4814D 7602-0220-61 7602-0212-91 3G3053738H 22-030-007
AD5148 7602-0202-01 65-725-034 92984QU IB-666
MUC5136 22-030-007 65-725-080 5G354920Q IB-429
E-5140-UMR IB-666 65-725-020 4600170/649366
MUC5144 IB-429 65-725-957 12W58 bearing(original) 4600169/649472
MUC5144 AD5238X bearing(original) 65-725-936 544759 ZA-6870
W-4482 AD5238X 65-725-959 510616A 7602-0210-67
MUC5136 AD4814D 65-725-960 10-6040 7602-0212-98
X39042 AD5148 65-725-000 544979 7602-0210-93/94
E5238U MUC5136 6319-0078-00 bearing(original) 546293 7602-0210-95/96
MUC5148 E-5140-UMR 6319-0078-00 10-6040 65-101-775
ZT-7872 MUC5144 7602-0212-89 544000 65-101-958
ZT-8004 MUC5144 6310-0012-00 546293 65-101-954
ZT-7006 W-4482 7602-0213-07 10-6209 IB-666/491-35
7602-0220-62 MUC5136 7602-0212-67 ZT-7872 IB-306/3693B
7602-0220-61 X39042 7602-0212-88 ZT-8004 6397-0267-00
7602-0202-01 E5238U 7602-0211-09 ZT-7006 7602-0212-90
22-030-007 MUC5148 7602-0210-37 7602-0220-62 7602-0212-91
IB-666 4600170/649366 7602-0213-05 7602-0220-61 65-725-034
IB-429 4600169/649472 6301-0038-00 7602-0202-01 65-725-080
IB-411 AD4633D bearing(original) 22-030-007 65-725-020
AD4633D IB-666 65-725-957
IB-429 65-725-936
IB-411 65-725-959

Pls contact us freely if you have any need of bearings,seals,pillow block or other accessories.

We will quote you our favorable price promptly.